Actes du colloque - Volume 4 - page 1

General Report for the Two Sessions of TC 212
Deep Foundations
Rapport général des deux sessions du TC 212
Fondations profondes
Katzenbach R.
Institute and Laboratory for Geotechnics, Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Technical University Darmstadt,
Darmstadt, Germany.
Choudhury D.
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India.
Chang D.W.
Department of Civil Engineering, Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
ABSTRACT: This general report is prepared from the selected 62 papers of 18 ICSMGE which are related to the domain of studies
for ISSMGE Technical Committee TC 212 – Deep Foundations. Paper IDs 1691~3105, which are presented during two sessions of
TC 212 – Deep Foundations are from 26 member societies, which include Algeria (1), Argentina (1), Australia (6), Brazil (7),
Bulgaria (1), Canada (3), China (2), Finland (2), Denmark (1), Egypt (3), France (4), Germany (1), Hungary (2), India (2), Iran (1),
Italy (1), Japan (4), Korea (3), Mexico (1), Netherland (1), Poland (2), Russia (2), Thailand (1), UK (5), USA (4) and Vietnam (1).
Value in parenthesis indicates number of papers from that particular member society. The subjects of these papers cover a variety of
sub-themes like (i) foundation behaviour and performance (15), (ii) technologies for construction, rehabilitation and energy (6), (iii)
analytical and numerical analyses on piles and pile-raft foundation (20), (iv) field measurements (5), (v) seismic hazard analysis (2),
(vi) design methods and assessments (2), (vii) model testing, soil behaviours on soil-pile interactions (8), (viii) predictions from
testing methods (4).
RÉSUMÉ : Ce rapport général est préparé à partir des 62 articles proposés au 18ème CIMSG concernant les Fondations profondes, le
domaine du Comité Technique TC 212 de la SIMSG,. Les articles No. 1691 - 3105, qui sont présentés pendant les deux sessions du
TC 212 - Fondation profondes, proviennent de 26 sociétés membres dont Algérie (1), Argentine (1), Australie (6), Brésil (7), Bulgarie
(1), Canada (3), Chine (2), Finlande (2), Danemark (1), Egypte (3), France (4) Allemagne (1), Hongrie (2), Inde (2), Iran (1), Italie
(1), Japon (4), Corée du Sud (3), Mexique (1), Pays-Bas (1), Pologne (2), Russie (2), Thaïlande (1), Royaume-Unis (5), Etats-Unis (4)
et Vietnam (1). Les chiffres entre parenthèses montrent le nombre de papiers venant de chaque société membre. Les sujets des papiers
couvrent plusieurs sous-thèmes comme (i) le comportement et les performances des fondations (15), (ii) les technologies de
construction, réhabilitation et énergie (6), (iii) les analyses analytique et numérique des pieux et radiers sur pieux (20), (iv) les
mesures in situ (5), (v) les risques sismiques (2), (vi) les méthodes de dimensionnement (2), (vii) la modélisation physique et le
comportement des sols dans l’interaction sol-pieu (8), (viii) les prévisions à partir des essais (4).
KEYWORDS: pile, pile raft foundation, design, model test, in-situ measurements, construction, numerical and analytical methods.
The 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and
Geotechnical Engineering (18
ICSMGE) is being held at Paris,
France during September 2 to 6, 2013 on the main theme
‘Challenges and Innovations in Geotechnics’. Based on the
main conference theme, two parallel technical sessions related
to the sub-topic on ‘Deep Foundations’ are getting organized by
the technical committee TC 212 – Deep Foundations of
ISSMGE. Total sixty two (62) technical full length papers
related to this sub-topic on deep foundations are grouped and
distributed for the two parallel technical sessions.
The area of research and practice in the field of deep
foundations is expanding day by day with new challenges and
innovations in this area. All the technical papers for this sub-
topic can be grouped into major three categories, viz. (i) field
tests and monitoring of deep foundations, (ii) analytical and
numerical methods for deep foundations and (iii) laboratory
based tests including physical modelling of deep foundations.
This conference is the best venue to share and exchange new
innovations and difficulties in various countries for the subject
matter on deep foundations. Papers received from twenty six
(26) member societies of ISSMGE with wide range of research
and practice data related to deep foundations will be extremely
useful for the designers and practitioners worldwide.
In this section, review of all 62 papers of the 18th ICSMGE,
which are related to the topic of ‘Deep Foundations’ is carried
out in the sequence of alphabetical order of authors’ surname.
Allievi et al. discussed the process followed for designing
the pile raft foundations of tall buildings by analyzing the
governing limit states, assessing the geotechnical
characterization of the soil deposits and using appropriate
modelling techniques for studying the behaviour of the selected
foundation system at different design phases. The piled raft was
analysed using finite element software Oasys GSA 2010, where
the superstructure, foundation and ground were modelled into a
single soil – structure model. The effects of concrete in the raft
and pile were considered since they influenced the long term
behaviour of the foundation. It was observed that 50% of the
total rat settlements occurred during construction.
Alnuiam et al. studied the performance of piled raft
foundation systems under axial loads. 3D finite element model
is established to analyze the piled raft foundation system
installed in cohesionless soil with stiffness linearly increased
with depth. The model was calibrated using geotechnical
eneral eport of TC 212
eep Foundations
Rapport général du TC 212
Fondations profondes
Katzenbach R.
Institute and Laboratory for Geotechnics, Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Technical University
Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany.
Choudhury D.
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India.
Chang D. .
Department of Civil Engineering, Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
1 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,...822