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Proceedings of the 18


International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013

to date, and explained that the task had been split into the

following subgroups:


Innovator of the year (now part of the AWAC charge);


Webinars – this project had already started, and there

was expected to be a significant increase in the

following year;


Lexicon – A number of languages had been added, so

that currently there were 17 languages included.

Dimitrios Zekkos asked that if anyone could add a new

language to the ones already available, to contact him.

He acknowledged the huge effort and assistance from a

number of colleagues who had helped inputting the



IT in Geotechnical engineering – This subgroup had

been involved with setting up GeoWorld, a professional

networking tool for geotechnical engineers, by which

users can easily set up profile pages, and promote their

professional information. GeoWorld would also be

useful for TC organisation, and for the promotion and

dissemination on information of geotechnical interest.

It was hoped to integrate GeoWorld, the webinars, and

the website, and eventually the International Journal of

Geoengineering Case Histories. So far, there had been

800-1000 new profile pages created in GeoWorld, and

feedback had been very positive.

The President wished to acknowledge the tremendous amount

of work that had been put into this initiative by Dimitris Zekkos

and his team, and asked if there were any questions or

comments from the floor.

Georg Heerten (Germany) asked if GeoWorld was open to all,

or whether the user had to be a member of ISSMGE. Dimitrios

Zekkos replied that anyone could use it. ISSMGE had entered

into a contract with, and invested USD25000

to help get the new website written and launched and this was

felt to be excellent value. The President asked if there was any

data on the age of the people joining, and was informed that

currently that sort of data was not being collected, but it would

be possible to do so in the future.

Flor de Cock (Belgium) thought that such systems could

become annoying and may lead to an increase in unwanted

emails. Dimitrios Zekkos stated that the intention was to have

GeoWorld integrated with the ISSMGE website information

and there should not be a flood of emails as a result. He also

pointed out that while the ISSMGE website held information

that was controlled, GeoWorld was interactive, and with

universal access.


Membership, Practitioners and Academicians Committee


Luiz de Mello made the MPAC presentation on behalf of Harry

Poulos (whose report is presented here as Appendix 5). He

reported that, once the Terms of Reference had been discussed,

and that the term “Corporate Associate had been defined”, the

MPAC was eager to establish the benefits that would be given

to the Corporate Associates. These had to be clear, and

beneficial, otherwise the Corporate Associates would fall away.

Currently there were in the order of 30 Corporate

Associates, and it was important to promote these both within

the Society and the Technical Committees, and stimulating

interaction amongst each other as this would encourage the

current Corporate Associate to pass the word along, and

increase their number. Luiz de Mello commented that the focus

currently was not on recruiting new Corporate Associates,

which was also being made more difficult by the current

recession, but on consolidating the existing ones.

Reviewing the current distribution, Luiz de Mello noted that

companies in Africa had not yet seen the benefits of becoming

corporate associates, though many foreign companies were

currently working there. He pointed out that Corporate

Associates could well be representing the Head Office, but that

regional branches could also be represented. The aim of the

MPAC was to have 50 Corporate Associates by the end of the

current presidential term, as well as to closely monitor the level

of satisfaction of the current associates. The current list of

Corporate Associates was presented as well as the list of donors

to the ISSMGE Foundation, for which the MPAC had an

overseeing role in making awards to applicants.

In discussion, Georg Heerten (Germany) asked for an

update on the Foundation, The President reported that it had

raised approximately USD110000 and had spent less than

USD10000. He acknowledged that the Foundation was

probably not yet well known, and he was hesitant to seek more

funding as he felt not enough had been spent. Georg Heerten

asked whether delegates to the Baltic conference could be

helped financially, and the President said they should be

encouraged to apply.

The President thanked Luiz de Mello for presenting the

report, and commended him on his energy and efforts in

increasing the number of Corporate Associates from Brazil.


Technical Oversight Committee (TOC)

Suzanne Lacasse gave the presentation on behalf of the

Technical Oversight Committee, describing its mandate,

organisation and composition, and stressing that the she had

tried to choose people from all regions to assist on the

Executive Committee. She reported that the new TCs had been

organised into groups: Fundamentals, Applications and Impact

of the Profession on Society. A report from the TOC is given in

Appendix 6.

On the whole most Technical Committees were working

well: there had been some issues, but these were being dealt

with, and the role of the TOC was to encourage those who were

maybe not performing as best they could. There were some

changes coming up; e.g. The TC on Zero Level Cities had been

cancelled, but a new proposal from Russia was expected.

Suzanne Lacasse had a series of observations based on her


The Terms of Reference of the TCs varied greatly in

ambition, which may be due to cultural reasons, or even


There was evidence of ineffective delegation of

responsibilities by the Chairman in certain TCs.

The issue of inactive members of TCs needed to be


TCs needed to have appropriate geographical activity.

The excessive bureaucracy in establishing a TC and its

membership needed to be countered.

A suitable and efficient mechanism for TC reporting

was required.

The new Honours Lectures needed to be promoted.

The role of Corresponding Member, a new category

added to allow greater participation without excessive

representation in meetings from an individual Member

Society, needed to be more widely known.

Suzanne Lacasse considered that these issues could be dealt

with by appropriate revision of the TC Guidelines, which she

and the TOC would undertake in the near future. In addition,

she felt that the Conference Manual needed to be updated (for

June 2012) to include conference liaisons.

In discussion, Georg Heerten (Germany) enquired about the

role of the Core members. Suzanne Lacasse said that the TCs

only had Chairs, Vice Chairs, and Secretaries and that the word

“Core” should not be used and that it had been removed from

the Guidelines. Instead, the chairs of task groups within the TC

would be part of the Executive Group of the TC.

Ikuo Towhata (Appointed Board Member) asked if there

was a time limit (or life span) of the TCs, and how they would

be affected by the change in presidency. Suzanne Lacasse

Volume 6 - Page 101