Actes du colloque - Volume 2 - page 575

Proceedings of the 18
International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013
On the other hand the PR’s model clearly shows an
accumulation of vertical displacement at each cycle. Moreover
during the first phase, transient and stationary behaviours can be
distinctly observed. The change in amplitude of loading implies
a change in the tendency of accumulation.
Figure 6. Comparison between mean effective and deviatoric stresses at
0.5m depth under the top of the suction caisson for PR and DP models.
Corresponding evolutions of mean effective and deviatoric
stresses are shown in Figure 6 while pore pressure accumulation
is given in Figure 8. During the first part of the loading, the
difference between both models is limited. For the Prevost’s
model, the transient phase is short and a drop in mean effective
stress is coupled with an increase of pore water pressure. Then a
stationary phase takes place, corresponding to an
accommodation phase (see in Figure 7) and the mean effective
pressure gets back to its first value when pore water pressure
dissipates. The difference is quantitatively greater for the
deviatoric stress but qualitatively the behaviour is identical.
Figure 7. Stress paths in the p’-q plane at 0.5m depth (PR model). The
first step of loading ends after 1000s when the second begins.
During the second part of loading, the soil characterized by
PR model shows a continuous decrease of mean effective stress
without reaching a stationary state. Greater amplitude of loading
entails greater plasticity effects and then contractancy. After
about 1600s, the stress path reaches the phase transformation
line and the mean effective stress increases for a while before
going down again. This continuous contractancy appears
because the model involves plasticity in loading and unloading
as well as a transition between contractive and dilative zones.
On the other hand, the soil described by DP model behaves
elastically most of the time because once the greatest deviatoric
stress is reached, the stress path lies within the plasticity surface
when unloaded and reloaded.
The Prevost’s model is simple, elegant and able to qualitatively
take into account the main features of cyclic loading. Basic
parameters are easy to obtain from classical laboratory tests.
Nevertheless an accurate modelling of cyclic tests requires
additional parameters and a new form of plastic potential.
A suction caisson was modelled as a practical case study.
Capabilities of the Prevost’s model compared with a classical
Drucker-Prager model appear clearly. The transient modelling
depicts pore pressure and plastic deformation accumulation
which the Drucker-Prager model is unable to represent.
Figure 8. Comparison between pore pressure evolutions at 0.5m depth
under the top of the suction caisson for PR and DP models.
I would warmly acknowledge all people that help me daily to
achieve this PhD and my colleagues that suffer my little
idiosyncrasies. I would also thank the FNRS for its financial
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