Actes du colloque - Volume 2 - page 587

Proceedings of the 18
International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013
Number of Cycles to reach ru = 1.0
Cyclic Stress Ratio, CSR
N o rth C o a s t C a lc a re o us S a nd
S ilic e o us S a nd ( A ) ( Hus s e in , 2 0 0 8 )
S ilic e o us S a nd ( B ) ( Ev a ns & Zho u , 19 9 5 )
σc ' = 100 kP a
D r = 4 0 %
Sincere thanks and appreciations are expressed to Dr. Rami El-
Sherbiny for his support, valuable contribution, and guidance
during conducting the experimental work
Agaiby S.S. 2011. Behavior of calcareous sands of northern coast in
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Hight D.W., and Leroueil S., editors. Balkema, 1049-1086.
Figure 7. Comparison between North Coast calcareous sand and
siliceous sand prepared at D
= 40% and tested under σ′
= 100 kPa
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triaxial and simple shear tests. Journal of Soil Mechanics and
Foundations Division, ASCE 97 (4), 639-659.
Comparison with calcareous sands
Calcareous sands reported in literature generally followed
similar trends regarding the behavior under cyclic undrained
triaxial loading. The cyclic behavior of North Coast calcareous
sand is compared to Playa Santa Calcareous sand in Figure (8).
Hallsworth C.R. and Knox R.W. O’B. 1999. Classification of sediments
and sedimentary rocks. BGS Rock classification scheme, Vol. 3,
British Geological Survey Research Report, RR 99-03.
Hardin B.O. 1985. Crushing of soil particles. Journal of Geotechnical
Engineering, ASCE 111(10), 1177-1192.
Hurlbut C.S. 1971. Dana’s manual of mineralogy. 18th Ed. John Wiley
& Sons, Inc., New York.
Number of Cycles to reach ru = 1.0
Cyclic Stress Ratio, CSR
No rt h Co as t Calc are o us S and
Playa S ant a Calc are o us S and ( LaVie lle , 2 0 0 8 )
σc ' = 100 kP a
D r = 4 0 %
Hussein M.S. 2008. Undrained cyclic behavior of gravelly sand soil.
MSc. Thesis, Cairo University, Egypt.
Hyodo M., Aramaki N., Itoh M., and Hyde A.F.L. 1996. Cyclic strength
and deformation of crushable carbonate sand. Soil Dynamics and
Earthquake Engineering 15 (5), 331-336.
Hyodo M., Hyde A.F.L., and Aramaki N. 1998. Liquefaction of
crushable soils. Geotechnique 48 (4), 527-543.
Ishihara K. 1993. Liquefaction and flow failure during earthquakes.
Geotechnique 43 (3), 351-415.
Kaggwa W.S. and Poulos H.G. 1990. Comparison of the behaviour of
dense carbonate sediments and silica sand in cyclic triaxial tests.
Research Report No. R611, University of Sydney, School of Civil
and Mining Engineering.
Ladd R.S. 1978. Preparing test specimens using undercompaction.
Geotechnical Testing Journal 1(1), 16-23.
Figure 8. Comparison between North Coast calcareous sand and Playa
Santa calcareous sand prepared at D
= 40% and tested under σ′
= 100
Lade P.V., Yamamuro J.A., and Bopp P.A. 1996. Significance of
particle crushing in granular materials. Journal of Geotechnical
Engineering, ASCE 122(4), 309-316.
LaVielle T.H. 2008. Liquefaction susceptibility of uncemented
calcareous sands from Puerto Rico by cyclic triaxial testing. Ph.D.
Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
1) Failure under cyclic loading for the North Coast calcareous
sand prepared at relative density of 40% is governed by the
gradual development of excess pore-water pressure until
liquefaction is reached.
Morioka B.T. 1999. Evaluation of the static and cyclic strength
properties of calcareous sand using cone penetrometer tests. Ph.D.
Dissertation, University of Hawaii, Manoa.
2) For the same σ′
, the number of cycles to reach liquefaction
decreased as the CSR increased.
Morioka B.T. and Nicholson P.G. 2000. Evaluation of the liquefaction
potential of calcareous sand. Proceedings of the International
Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Seattle, WA, USA,
3) For the same CSR, the number of cycles to reach
liquefaction decreased as the σ′
Peacock W.H. and Seed H.B. 1968. Sand liquefaction during cyclic
loading simple shear conditions. Journal of Geotechnical
Engineering, ASCE 94 (3), 689-708.
4) The North Coast calcareous sand is less susceptible to
liquefaction compared to siliceous sands subjected to
similar loading conditions.
Seed H.B. and Lee K.L. 1966. Liquefaction of saturated sands during
cyclic loading. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations
Division, ASCE 92 (SM6), 105-134.
5) For the North Coast calcareous sand, the effect of
angularity and irregular particle shape on cyclic resistance
was found to be more dominant than crushability for the
range of tested σ′
Sharma S.S. and Ismail M.A. 2006. Monotonic and cyclic behavior of
two calcareous soils of different origins. Journal of Geotechnical
and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE 132 (12), 1581-1591.
Skempton A.W. 1954. The pore-pressure coefficients A and B.
Geotechnique 4 (4), 143-147.
6) A soil-specific correlation relating the CRR and σ′
developed for the tested sand prepared at relative density
of 40%.
Stedman J.D. 1997. Effects of confining pressure and static shear on
liquefaction resistance of Fraser River sand. BASc Thesis, The
University of British Columbia, Canada.
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